Web Deployment is a tool from Microsoft to simplify migration, management, and deployment of IIS web servers, web applications, and web sites. When you install Web Matrix it is installed by default. When installed it listens on port 80. If you are using other server like Apache on your system that also listens on port 80 then you won’t be able to start Apache due to conflict in the port. The solution is either use a different port for Apache like 8080. If you want to do that then other solution is to remove the web deploy and install it from command line. Here are the steps of doing this.
1. Uninstall Web Deploy from Add/Remove programs.
2. Download Web Deploy from
v2: http://www.iis.net/download/webdeploy
v3: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=27430
3. Run the command prompt in Administration mode.
4. Run the following command:
#> msiexec /I <msi filename> /passive ADDLOCAL=ALL LISTENURL=http://+:<port>/MsDeployAgentService2/
e.g #> msiexec /I WebDeploy_x86.msi /passive ADDLOCAL=ALL LISTENURL=http://+:85/MsDeployAgentService2/
Thats it. Now you can use Apache on port 80 and Web Deploy will use the different port.