Are you looking to streamline your web development process and create efficient and powerful applications? Look no further than Laravel, a widely popular PHP framework that has gained immense recognition for its elegant syntax, robust features, and ...
SOLID Principles in Software Development: Key Benefits
Imagine you’re part of a team working on a complex software project. The initial excitement is soon overshadowed by the growing complexity and difficulty of managing the codebase. This is where SOLID principles in software development come into play ...
Best Frontend Frameworks in 2025: React vs Angular vs Vue
Introduction When it comes to building web applications, selecting the best frontend framework for 2024 is crucial. It sets the tone for your development process and impacts the user experience. With so many options available, it’s essential to u ...
How To Develop Cloud-based Fullstack Application From Scratch?
So, from today we are going to start developing a personal finance system from the ground up where we can track our expenses, income, get an idea of where our money goes, have a birds-eye view of our financial status, and generate some statistical r ...
Why database should be taught before programming in universities?
Learn Database before Coding Often students from the initial semester ask me how do we store our data in our programming projects? When students join university to learn about computer science and technology they are usually taught programming fi ...
Mark parent category menu active on single custom post view in WordPress
Recently I developed a theme for one of my clients and I had to highlight the menu item of the parent category in the main menu when one of its associated single custom posts was viewed. For that, I had to add an action in my functions.php file for n ...
Displaying Multiline Title in WordPress
In WordPress when the title is written it is usually displayed in a single line on front-end until it is too long to display in one line. But if you want to write the title in multiline and want to line break the title after a certain word how can yo ...
Different color for each menu item in WordPress
In a recent project, I got a requirement that each menu item should be highlighted in a different color when visited. The menu items and their required active colors were: Home - Green Portfolio - Blue Team - Yellow Contact - Red These colo ...