If you need to convert between Oracle date and PHP/Unix timestamp then you might need to implement two functions in Oracle.
The following two Oracle functions implement this for DATE types.
To convert a UNIX timestamp into an Oracle DATE type:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION unixts_to_date(unixts IN PLS_INTEGER) RETURN DATE IS /** * Converts a UNIX timestamp into an Oracle DATE */ unix_epoch DATE := TO_DATE('19700101000000','YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'); max_ts PLS_INTEGER := 2145916799; -- 2938-12-31 23:59:59 min_ts PLS_INTEGER := -2114380800; -- 1903-01-01 00:00:00 oracle_date DATE; BEGIN IF unixts > max_ts THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR( -20901, 'UNIX timestamp too large for 32 bit limit' ); ELSIF unixts < min_ts THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR( -20901, 'UNIX timestamp too small for 32 bit limit' ); ELSE oracle_date := unix_epoch + NUMTODSINTERVAL(unixts, 'SECOND'); END IF; RETURN (oracle_date); END;
The following PHP script shows how this might be used. Note that this script requires PHP 5.x+, as it uses the new OCI extension function names:
<?php $conn = oci_connect('scott', 'tiger'); $sql = " SELECT * FROM EMP WHERE hiredate BETWEEN unixts_to_date(:startdate) AND unixts_to_date(:enddate) ORDER BY hiredate DESC "; $stmt = oci_parse($conn, $sql); // Bind a UNIX timestamps to :startdate and :enddate oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ":startdate", mktime(0,0,0,1,1,1981)); oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ":enddate", mktime(0,0,0,1,1,1990)); oci_execute($stmt); print "NAME : HIREDATE\n"; while ( $row = oci_fetch_assoc($stmt) ) { print "{$row['ENAME']} : {$row['HIREDATE']}\n"; } oci_free_statement($stmt); oci_close($conn); ?>
In reverse, the following function returns a UNIX timestamp given an Oracle DATE type:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION date_to_unixts(oracle_date IN DATE) RETURN PLS_INTEGER IS /** * Converts an Oracle DATE to a UNIX timestamp */ unix_epoch DATE := TO_DATE('19700101000000','YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'); max_date DATE := TO_DATE('20380101000000','YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'); min_date DATE := TO_DATE('19030101000000','YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'); unix_ts PLS_INTEGER; BEGIN IF oracle_date > max_date THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR( -20902,'Date too large for 32bit UNIX timestamp' ); ELSIF oracle_date < min_date THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR( -20902,'Date too small for 32bit UNIX timestamp' ); ELSE unix_ts := (oracle_date - unix_epoch) / (1/86400); END IF; RETURN (unix_ts); END; The following query shows how it might be used:SELECT ename, TO_CHAR(hiredate, 'YYYY') AS hired_year, TO_CHAR(hiredate, 'YYYYMM') AS hired_month, TO_CHAR(hiredate, 'ddth Mon, YYYY') AS hired_pretty date_to_unixts(hiredate) AS hired_unixts FROM emp ORDER BY hiredate
It’s now easy to convert the timestamp into a formatted date, using the date() function as you loop through the result set.
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