If you’ve been working with Vue.js lately and developing custom components to build your apps you might come across how to communicate from child component to parent. There are couple of scenarios here.
Immediate parent child components
If you want immediate parent-child components to communicate then a child event can fire an event and the parent can listen to it. To do this you can do something like this.
Vue.component('v-parent', { template: `
`, methods: { handleEvent() { alert('parent caught the event'); } } }); Vue.component('v-child', { template: `
` }); new Vue({ el: '#app' });
Non-Parent-child components
If two different components want to communicate or if the component listening to the other component’s event is not a direct parent (like a grandparent or even above in the hierarchy) then Vue provides the bus concept. I have created a fiddle on JSFiddle that you can see running here.
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