Are you looking to streamline your web development process and create efficient and powerful applications? Look no further than Laravel, a widely popular PHP framework that has gained immense recognition for its elegant syntax, robust features, and ...
SOLID Principles in Software Development: Key Benefits
Imagine you’re part of a team working on a complex software project. The initial excitement is soon overshadowed by the growing complexity and difficulty of managing the codebase. This is where SOLID principles in software development come into play ...
PHP Development with VS Code and Docker Dev Containers
Nowadays it is a must-have skill to use docker for your development. To start the development with docker here are some prerequisites: If you're on Windows you have WSL installed on your system. It will also be required for Docker. You have D ...
Why we moved from OpenShift to Google Cloud
The good old days When OpenShift was in its version 1 it was great from the customer's point of view with a low budget. OpenShift v1 had free offers to deploy apps and add a custom domain to it. There was no SSL support but it could be handled via th ...
Different color for each menu item in WordPress
In a recent project, I got a requirement that each menu item should be highlighted in a different color when visited. The menu items and their required active colors were: Home - Green Portfolio - Blue Team - Yellow Contact - Red These colo ...
Rollover image – Change image on hover/mouse over
Often when designing websites static or dynamic, PHP or ASP.Net, Laravel or WordPress, you have to design in a way that if the user hovers an image it gets changed and an alternate image is displayed. This can be easily achieved via simple HTML event ...
Laravel: Specified key was too long error on migration
When you install a new Laravel project with 'laravel new' and run the migration that comes with it you might get the following error: #php artisan migrate Migration table created successfully. SQLSTATE: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Spe ...
Setup CodeIgniter Docker container for development
Docker Docker is the world’s leading software container platform. Developers use Docker to eliminate “works on my machine” problems when collaborating on code with co-workers. Operators use Docker to run and manage apps side-by-side in isolated conta ...
Setup Laravel with Docker containers
Docker Docker has captured my attention lately and has been growing exponentially for last few years. Docker has revolutionized the virtualization space and has given DevOps engineers and developers a new set of tools that can ease their development ...
Override parent shortcodes in your WordPress Child Theme
Overriding shortcode defined in WordPress parent theme is pretty easy. Just use a after_theme_setup section in functions.php of the child theme; example: add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'my_child_theme_setup' ); function my_child_theme_setup() { ...
Create your first real-time PHP application
If you ever wondered if there is a way to write a real-time web application using PHP where any event or message is delivered/pushed to all recipients as they occur, in real-time? Then you are at the right place. We'll be building a sample real-time ...
WooCommerce Per Product Shipping Price Calculation
If you have different rates depending on the item you will need to set up each one in the 'Flat Rate' shipping method and ensure it is selected on the Product itself. First, you will need to have a Shipping Class setup: Go to the menu on the left han ...
Converting Oracle DATE types and PHP/Unix Timestamps
If you need to convert between Oracle date and PHP/Unix timestamp then you might need to implement two functions in Oracle. The following two Oracle functions implement this for DATE types. To convert a UNIX timestamp into an Oracle DATE type: CREA ...
Working with Dates and Times in Oracle and PHP
Both PHP and Oracle provide functionality manipulating dates and times. Which to use and when? If you're new to PHP or Oracle, working out how to handle dates efficiently can be tricky. You may have strategies, which you've applied successfully on o ...
CodeIgniter Support in NetBeans
Lately I’ve been doing some development using CodeIgniter (a very popular PHP framework), and I was wondering, how to get CodeIgniter support in NetBeans. So anyway, I’ve found a NetBeans plugin under the Project Kenai This plugin will allow you to ...