Threads are not good in Perl. If you want to know why, you can read PerlMonks article here. But C/C++ threads are good 🙂 How can you leverage the benefit of C/C++ threads in Perl? Well, if you have a C/C++ library which is multi-threaded then you can write a Perl wrapper on C/C++ library. For writing a wrapper you can use Inline::C or Inline::CPP module, that provides a very gentle and easy way to wrap up your C/C++ calls.
What happens is that if you call a C/C++ function which uses threads from a Perl script/process, it will make your Perl process multi-threaded. You can see this by using -m option of ps if you are on Linux platform.
I was working on a Perl based project and I used a multi-threaded C/C++ library. I was curious how will it work. I ran the Perl process and when I see the process in ps with -m option, it was showing two processes, actually one process and second was the thread. When I was using a single threaded library it used to show only a single process in ps. I also tested the functionality which was supposed to use the multiple threads and it worked as expected.
I think this is a better way to use threads in Perl if you really need threads, instead of using thread module of Perl. If you are not desperate, then try to stick with single threaded model of Perl, or use Perl wrapper over C/C++ multi-threaded library.
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