Microsoft Windows 10 Great UI Changes
My first experience with Windows 8 inspired bafflement and frustration. But I walked away from my first few minutes with Windows 10 with a sense of jealousy. It looks like a significant improvement, and I want it on my PC…
Create your first real-time AngularJS application
In my previous article I talked about creating real-time PHP application. That was on the server side and I demonstrated a very very basic client to connect with it. Let’s take that to next step and create a Javascript client…
Create your first real-time PHP application
If you ever wondered if there is a way to write a real-time web application using PHP where any event or message is delivered/pushed to all recipients as they occur, in real-time? Then you are at the right place. We’ll…
How can I test if mod_rewrite on my server is enabled and working?
Note that mod_rewrite can only be used with the web server Apache. Follow the instructions below to check whether module mod_rewrite is installed and correctly configured on your server. Create the file .htaccess and add these two lines RewriteEngine on…
Global Variables in AngularJS
I’ve followed the angularjs tutorial and I noticed that I wasn’t able to have global variables. Turns out to be actually simple but Angular doesn’t mention it. You will need to edit your app module (app.js ) var app =…
Android? Too many pattern attempts? Can’t hard reset?
I had a pattern screen lock on my HTC One X Android phone. Yesterday my nephew tried to unlock it too many times and it got permanently locked. Too many pattern attempts After too many attempts, my phone got locked…
Photoshop Color Replacement Tool Tutorial
The Color Replacement Tool is not the most professional way to change colors in an image and won’t always give you the results you need, but it usually works well for simple tasks and it’s such an easy tool to…
WooCommerce Per Product Shipping Price Calculation
If you have different rates depending on the item you will need to set up each one in the ‘Flat Rate‘ shipping method and ensure it is selected on the Product itself. First, you will need to have a Shipping…
The Quick Selection Tool In Photoshop for Auto Selection
First introduced in Photoshop CS3, the Quick Selection Tool is somewhat similar to the Magic Wand in that it also selects pixels based on tone and color. But the Quick Selection Tool goes far beyond the Magic Wand’s limited abilities…
How to Remove Text from a Photo in Photoshop: 14 Steps
How to Remove Text from a Photo in Photoshop Removing Text Using Content-Aware FillRemoving Text Using the Clone Stamp in Earlier or Latest Versions of Photoshop Do you have a great photo or image that is ruined by unnecessary text?…
Google+ Custom URLs
Getting Started with Google+ Custom URLs A custom URL is a short, easy-to-remember web address that links directly to your profile or page. For example, YouTube’s Google+ page can direct people to to visit their page rather…
How to set a new OneNote screenshot shortcut in Windows
Since in Windows 8.1, the Window+S key is used for search, it overrides OneNote screenshot shortcut. For now, you can manually set a shortcut key to Windows + A for OneNote screenshot. You’ll have to change the shortcut key through…
Windows 8.1 update is now available to download
Today’s the day: October 17th, the day Microsoft starts rolling out Windows 8.1. And right now, the minute this post first went live, is 7AM ET, the exact minute the OS update will start appearing in the Windows Store as a free…
How To: Open a WordPress Menu Link In New Window or Tab?
I have come across multiple WordPress users who aren’t aware that WordPress has a bunch of functions hidden in the “Screen Options” section of multiple Administration Pages. Today I want to show you how to open links in custom menus…